Portuguese Activity, aimed at 1st year high school students, proposes the study of substantiveprimitive and derivative, through the news that deals with the unprecedented drink, Gik, the blue colored wine.
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Drink with an unprecedented coloration took two years to be ready
With no wine-growing tradition, six young Spaniards innovate the world of oenology by producing Gik, the first blue wine on the market, made with white and red grapes. The wine took two years to be developed, and the young people had the help of researchers from the University of the Basque Country and the Basque Government Food Research Department in Development of the label.
The base wine is created from red and white grapes and, shortly thereafter, there is the addition of anthocyanins and indigo pigments (which give the drink its blue color). Finally, sweeteners are added to soften the wine's flavor. Its makers recommend that the wine be served cold, due to its sweetness.
According to Gik's official website, the blue color of the wine represents “movement, innovation, change, fluidity and infinity”. The first shipment for sale will be in a promotional batch, costing 10 euros a bottle, and the plan is to produce the Gik in different Spanish wineries, according to demand. The wine has 11.50% alcohol content.
Available in: http://revistaadega.uol.com.br. Accessed on: 07/09/16.
Question 1 - The purpose of the text is:
a) warn
b) contest
c) entertain
d) inform
Question 2 - Transcribe the definition presented in the text to Gik:
Question 3 - Identify in the text the nouns derived from the primitive noun “wine”:
Question 4 – Present the meaning of "enology":
Question 5 - In the excerpt “Finally, addsweeteners to soften the flavor of the wine.”, could the highlighted verb be inflected in the singular? Explain.
Question 6 – Parentheses were used to indicate:
a) an example
b) a quote
c) an explanation
d) an opinion
Question 7 – In “Your makers recommend that wine be served cold, because its sweetness.”, the underlined conjunction introduces the idea of:
a) cause
b) consequence
c) state
d) pattern
Question 8 – Identify the segment where the quotation marks were used in the text. Then justify the aforementioned employment:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and Specialist in Distance Education.
At answers are in the link above the header.