Text interpretation aimed at fourth or fifth year students, using the text “The boy and the priest”.
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A priest was walking through the sertão carrying out his ministry, that is, the catechism, and as he was very thirsty, he approached a hut and called for someone from within. Then a very young boy came to meet him. withered.
– Good morning my son, don't you have a little water here for the priest?
– There is no water, sir, here there is only a pot full of garapa of sugar! If you want… - said the boy
- Serves go fetch. – asked the priest.
And the boy brought the garapa inside a gourd, the priest drank a lot and the boy offered more suspiciously, but, as he was too relentless, the priest accepted. After drinking, the priest, curious, asked the boy:
'Tell me something, isn't your mother going to fight you over this garapa?
– No fight, sir, she doesn't want that garapa anymore, she was going to throw it away because she had a dead cockroach inside the pot.
Surprised and disgusted, the priest throws the gourd, and it breaks into a thousand pieces and furious he exclaims.
– Damned kid, why didn't you tell me before?
The boy looked desperately at the priest, and then said in a rueful tone:
– Now I'm going to take a big beating, you just broke Grandma's little gourd, peeing inside…
1) What is the title of the text?
2) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
3) What led the priest to walk through the sertão?
4) What did the priest do when he was very thirsty? Who helped you?
5) Was the boy able to help the priest? What did he do?
6) The priest was surprised that the boy offered him the garapa. When he asked the boy if his mother wouldn't fight, what did he find out?
7) What happened when the priest found out?
8) What was the boy's reaction to the priest's scolding?
9) Look up the meaning of the underlined words in the text in the dictionary:
A) Catechesis:
B) Withered:
C) Garapa:
D) Gourd:
At answers are in the link above the header.