Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth grade of elementary school, about single period. We will analyze this period in the text that presents us with the marsh lily? To do so, answer the proposed questions!
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The marsh lily plant is considered invasive. It was introduced for essentially ornamental purposes, both for its foliage and for its flower […]
There was a time when it was also used in papermaking. Currently, an essence is extracted from it for the preparation of perfumes. It is worth saying: its flowers also provide nectar for bees. In addition, from its rhizomes (stems), it is possible to obtain an edible starch.
It is found on the shores of lakes, streams and serves as a shelter for wild fauna. Its growth is very fast. Just one caveat: this plant sometimes clogs pipes and damages hydroelectric lakes (since its mechanical removal is difficult due to its vegetative reproduction).
"People's Land".
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Question 1 – The period “The marsh lily plant is considered invasive.” It's simple. Why?
Question 2 – In the simple sentence “There was a time when it was also used in making paper.”, the subject is:
( ) agent of the action expressed by the verb.
( ) patient of the action expressed by the verb.
( ) agent and patient of the action expressed by the verb.
Question 3 – In the simple sentence “Your growth is very fast.”, the verb expresses:
( ) a certainty.
( ) an orientation.
( ) a possibility.
Question 4 – Identify the simple period:
( ) “Currently, an essence is extracted from it for the preparation of perfumes.”
( ) “That is to say: its flowers also provide nectar for bees.”
( ) “It is found on the shores of lakes, streams and serves as a shelter for wild fauna.”
Question 5 – The prayer, which forms the simple sentence, is called:
( ) absolute.
( ) coordinate.
( ) subordinate.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.