Portuguese activity, focused on students in the seventh year of elementary school, aims to study the cardinal numeral. The proposed questions are based on a text that introduces us to the book the russians, written by Angelo Segrillo. Students are called upon to identify and write cardinal numerals.
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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They live in a country so vast that it makes Brazil seem small. Protagonists of the 1917 Socialist Revolution, the Cold War and, today, members of the G8, they are magnificent musicians, have a remarkable literature and stand out in world sporting events. A little European, a little Asian, a little Western, a little Oriental, Russians are home to a huge diversity of nations and cultures. They suffered from servitude until 1861 and, barely entering capitalism, embarked on nearly seven decades of communism. Millions died in the two world wars. They lived through moments of extreme deprivation while gaining superpower status. The savage capitalism of the 1990s started scaring the majority of the people, but today Russia is once again a world protagonist. […]
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Question 1 - The highlighted term is classified as a cardinal numeral in:
a) “They live in a a country so vast that it makes Brazil seem small.”
b) “[…] and, today, members of the G8, they are magnificent musicians […]”
c) “[…] have one outstanding literature […]"
d) “[…] embarked on almost seven decades of communism.”
Question 2 - "Millions died in the two world wars." Point out the cardinal numerals that make up this part of the text:
Question 3 - Write out the following cardinal numerals:
a) 1917:
b) 1861:
c) 1990:
Question 4 – In the passage “[…] Russians are home to an enormous diversity of nations and cultures.”, the term “one” works as:
a) indefinite pronoun
b) preposition
c) cardinal numeral
d) indefinite article
Question 5 - It is concluded that the cardinal numeral indicates:
( ) an exact amount.
( ) an exact position.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.