Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, explores the subject. What is the subject? The being about which something is declared! Simple subject, hidden subject, compound subject or indeterminate subject. Let's look at subject types in the text. Egyptian Discoveries? So, answer the various questions proposed!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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The Egyptians were great inventors and researchers. Glass was created by them, as was papyrus, a material that came before paper and served as the basis for the notes of all their studies. This civilization was very advanced in areas such as mathematics (until today it is not known for sure how the calculations that guided the construction were made. of the pyramids!) and medicine (imagine how much knowledge about the human body they accumulated while removing the organs to mummify the people?). Chemistry and pharmaceutical activity were also prominent among the ancient Egyptians, who produced different herbal remedies and even lizard blood!
“Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine. Edition 237. Available in: .
Question 1 - Identify the subject present in the period that introduces the text:
( ) “The Egyptians”.
( ) “great inventors”.
( ) “researchers”.
Question 2 - In the sentence “The glass was created by them […]”, the subject is:
( ) agent of the action expressed by the verb.
( ) patient of the action expressed by the verb.
( ) agent and patient of the action expressed by the verb.
Question 3 - Reread this excerpt:
"Glass was created by them, as was papyrus, a material that came before paper and served as the basis for the notes of all their studies."
The verb "served" refers to the subject "material", which takes up:
( ) "The glass".
( ) “the papyrus”.
( ) "paper".
Question 4 – In the segment “This civilization was very advanced in areas such as mathematics […]”, the underlined predicative expresses:
( ) an action of the simple subject.
( ) a state of the simple subject.
( ) an attribute of the simple subject.
Question 5 - In the sentence “[…] until today it is not known for sure […]”, the subject of the verb “to know” is:
( ) hidden.
( ) nonexistent.
( ) undetermined.
Question 6 – In the part “[…] did they accumulate while removing the organs to mummify people?”, the simple subject “they” was used to:
( ) resume an expression.
( ) announce an expression.
( ) complement an expression.
Question 7 – A subject is composed when it has more than one nucleus. Underline the composite subject cores below:
“Chemistry and pharmaceutical activity were also prominent among the ancient Egyptians […]”
Question 8 – The subject cores underlined above are:
( ) adjectives.
( ) pronouns.
( ) nouns.
Question 9 – In the fragment “[…] that produced different herbal remedies and even lizard blood!”, the verb indicates:
( ) a continuous action of the ancient Egyptians.
( ) a sporadic action of the ancient Egyptians.
( ) a passing action of the ancient Egyptians.
Question 10 – The subjects are:
( ) essential terms of the prayer.
( ) terms that are part of the sentence.
( ) accessory terms of the prayer.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.