Portuguese activity, aimed at first year high school students, about the adnominal assistant. Is it a term that characterizes or determines nouns, verbs or adjectives? Did you paint a doubt? So, be sure to do the proposed activity on the text National Corn Day!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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As today is National Corn Day, our science teacher had a brilliant idea, she took our class to learn how to bake corn cake! While we were mixing the ingredients, she explained that corn has many vitamins and minerals that are important for our diet. Vitamin B1, for example, helps regulate the digestive system, the nervous system and strengthens the heart muscles. Corn still has vitamins A and C, which help us grow healthy and Phosphorus, which is needed by our brain. After learning all this, I got home and asked my mother to make lots of popcorn, mush, polenta and many delicious things that she knows how to make with corn!
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Question 1 - The underlined adjective functions syntactically as an adnominal adjunct in:
( ) “[…] that help us grow healthy and Phosphorus […]"
( ) "[…] what is required to our brain."
( ) “[…] and many things delicious that she knows how to do with corn!”
Question 2 - Highlight the pronouns that function as adjuncts in the sentences:
a) “As today is National Corn Day, our science teacher had […]”
b) “[…] corn has many important vitamins and minerals […]”
c) “[…] and I asked my mother to make a lot of popcorn […]”
Question 3 - The "a" is an adjunct to the passage:
( ) “[…] to learn how to make corn cake!”
( ) “While we were mixing the ingredients […]”
( ) “[…] it helps to regulate the digestive system […]”
Question 4 – In prayer “[…] and strengthens the muscles from heart.”, the highlighted expression performs the function of:
( ) nominal complement
( ) indirect object
( ) adnominal assistant
Question 5 - The adjunct is the term that characterizes or determines:
( ) the nouns
( ) the verbs
( ) the adjectives
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.