Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, explores adjective adjuncts. How about analyzing them in the text Does an airplane have a horn? To do this, answer the proposed questions!
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Yes, but it has no function during the flight. Joselito Sousa, an aircraft maintenance technician, says that the plane's horn is sounded on the ground when the pilot, locked in the cockpit, needs to call the mechanic. The sound of the horn varies by plane model. It may sound like a car horn or a cell phone ringing. In any case, its frequency is designed so that the mechanic can hear it, even in the noisy environment of the airport.
Marcelo Duarte.
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Question 1 – Underline the adnominal adjunct in the following passage:
“Yes, but it has no function during the flight.”
Question 2 – In the above passage, the adnominal adjunct was expressed by:
( ) an article.
( ) a number.
( ) a pronoun.
Question 3 – In “[…] a car horn […]”, there is an adnominal adjunct. Identify it:
( ) "horn".
( ) "in".
( ) "one".
Question 4 – In the passage “[…] its frequency is designed so that the mechanic can hear […]”, the pronoun with adnominal adjunct function is:
( ) Undefined.
( ) possessive.
( ) demonstrative.
Question 5 – Watch:
[…] in the environment noisy from the airport."
The term, highlighted in this segment, works as an adnominal adjunct because:
( ) explains.
( ) characterizes.
( ) complements.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.