Activity of text interpretation, addressed to eighth grade students, of the text The fable of the starfish. It is a text that delights and inspires! Be sure to read it and immerse yourself in its content, answering the proposed interpretative questions!
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Every morning a writer walked on a very calm beach in search of his daily inspiration to continue writing his book.
One day, while walking on the sand, the writer saw in the distance a boy running between the water and the dry sand. As he got closer, he saw that the boy was picking up the starfish from the sand and taking them back out to sea.
- Good Morning. - Said the boy smiling and without stopping what he was doing.
- Hi. Why are you doing this? asked the writer.
“Since the tide is low and the sun is strong, the starfish will dry up and die before the tide rises again. – said the young man.
The writer looked at the boy again, smiled and said:
– I think what you're doing is very beautiful, but there are thousands of kilometers of beach all over the world, meaning millions of starfish must be drying in the sand right now for all these beaches. You have so much work and what difference does it make to save some if millions more are going to die?
The boy grabbed another starfish, took it to the water, looked at the writer and said:
– For this starfish I have already made a difference.
The writer couldn't do anything else all day, could barely sleep, and felt very sad.
The next day, as usual, the writer went for his morning walk to the beach, but this time he spent the entire morning helping the boy return the starfish to the ocean.
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Question 1 - Identify who tells the story:
a) a narrator-character.
b) a narrator-observer.
c) the young writer.
d) the boy.
Question 2 - According to the text, the writer had the habit of taking a walk on a calm beach in the mornings. Because?
Question 3 - According to the text, one day, the writer observed a new event on one of his walks along the beach. Tell it:
Question 4 - Faced with the event, the young writer showed himself:
a) nostalgic
b) happy
c) hopeful
d) pessimistic
Question 5 - Point out the argument used by the author that justifies his reaction to the fact observed on the beach:
Question 6 – According to the text, what was the boy's attitude towards the argument used by the writer?
Question 7 – According to the text, the writer was unable to do anything else that day and felt very sad. What did he do from there?
Question 8 – It can be concluded that the text intends to:
a) inform the reader.
b) entertain the reader.
c) teach the reader.
d) criticize the reader.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.