activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about the thrush. The species is known as “arrebita-rabo” and has the habit of walking on the ground. Shall we get to know him better? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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Despite being a familiar bird for many observers, there are some curiosities that deserve to be highlighted about the thrush. Starting with the fact that the species is not really a thrush.
Differently from the gully thrush, the orange thrush, the una thrush, among others, the field thrush does not belongs to the Turdidae family, but to Mimidae, which also includes the beach thrush and the Three-tailed Lark.
The size of the species can refer to distant relatives, but it is possible to differentiate it from other thrushes. This is because it has a more elongated neck and legs, a more curved beak and a very long tail.
The field thrush has a grayish body; the breast and belly are whitish. The wing feathers are darker […]. Male and female do not differ and can reach 26 centimeters in length and weigh up to 73 grams.
It feeds on insects and fruits. It is common to look for food while walking on the ground.
The species is also known as “arrebita-rabo”, due to the behavior of raising its tail when it lands or stops suddenly when walking on the ground. This habit, therefore, may indicate the bird's emotions.
During the breeding period, it builds a shallow bowl-shaped nest in trees or bushes. The female lays up to four eggs. After 12 days of incubation, they hatch. The chicks leave the nest when they are 15 days old, but continue to be fed by their parents.
The field thrush is distributed in rural areas, and can be found in open places such as parks and vacant lots. […]
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Question 1 – In “The species is known as ‘arrebita-rabo’ and has the habit of walking on the ground”, the text refers:
( ) to the gully thrush.
( ) to the orange thrush.
( ) to the thrush.
Question 2 – Point to the fragment that describes:
( ) “The field thrush has a grayish body [...]”
( ) “Feeds on insects and fruits.”
( ) “The field thrush is distributed in rural areas […]”
Question 3 – The text reveals the characteristics of the thrush, which differentiate it from other thrushes. Identify these features:
Question 4 – In the segment “It is common to look for food while walking on the ground.”, the text exposes a fact:
( ) frequent in the life of the thrush.
( ) occasional in the life of the thrush.
( ) passenger in the life of the thrush.
Question 5 – Watch:
“The species is also known as ‘arrebita-rabo’, due to behavior of raising the tail when landing or stopping suddenly when walking on the ground.”
The underlined expression introduces:
( ) causes.
( ) purposes.
( ) consequences.
Question 6 – In the section “This habit, therefore, may indicate the bird’s emotions.”, the highlighted word indicates:
( ) one correction.
( ) a conclusion.
( ) a contradiction.
Question 7 – In the part “After 12 days of incubation, they hatch.”, the pronoun “they” was used to refer to:
( ) country.
( ) eggs.
( ) puppies.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.