activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fourth and fifth years of elementary school, with questions based on the text Abraço.
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Estela was resting on a rock when she saw Vivian:
– How beautiful you are! Transparent and colorful at the same time. I'm Estela, and you?
- Thank you, Stella. My name is Vivian. I'm beautiful, but lonely. Everyone is afraid of me.
– Why are they afraid of someone so sweet?
- Because whoever touches me ends up getting burned. I can't hug anyone.
- This is very sad, Vivian. But I think I have a solution for you to get a hug.
Vivian said, excited:
– Estela, this is what I want most!
The starfish then began to move around the jellyfish. First slowly, then faster, faster and faster. Vivian began to feel enveloped by Estela, like a hug. When Estela stopped, Vivian was very grateful for her kindness:
– Can I go back and ask for more hugs?
- Whenever you want Vivian.
The two became great friends, and Vivian was happy to be able to hug Estela.
180 stories to enjoy.
Publisher: Ciranda Cultural.
1) What is the title of the text?
2) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
3) Who are the characters in the story?
4) What did Estela think of Vivian?
5) Why are others afraid of Vivian?
6) What makes Vivian sad?
7) What was the solution found by Estela, for Vivian's problem?
8) Give your opinion about Estela's attitude to help Vivian:
9) Make an illustration of the story:
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