Text interpretation activity proposed to fifth or sixth year students, using the text Guilherme Tell.
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Many years ago, before being a free and sovereign country, Switzerland was ruled by an authoritarian ruler named Gessler. Everyone was afraid of him, because anyone who disobeyed his orders was mercilessly punished. The only person who did not fear him was the brave mountain hunter named William Tell, respected by his countrymen for being, in addition to being a good man, an excellent archer. No one surpassed him in accurate aim with the bow and arrow.
The tyrant Gessler, arrogant and conceited, liked to terrorize the common folk. So he had a post built in the main square on which he hung his hat. Faced with this ridiculous symbol of authority, all passersby should bow. And everyone obeyed, for fear of being cruelly punished. All except William Tell, who did not submit to that humiliation because he considered it beneath his dignity. Until one day, Gessler himself happened to be in the square when Tell passed by with his 8-year-old son.
Seeing that the hunter had not bowed to the hat, Gessler was furious and ordered his soldiers to seize him, shouting:
– Tell, you challenged me, and whoever challenges me dies. But you can escape death if you do as I command you.
And the mighty Gessler ordered the hunter's son to be propped up against the post with an apple on his head. Then he continued:
– Now, Tell, you will have to prove your fame as a great archer by hitting the apple on your son's head with a single arrow. If you get it right, which I doubt, you'll be free. But if you make a mistake, you will be executed here, in front of all these people.
And William Tell was placed at the farthest point from the square, with his bow and arrow.
'Follow my order!' cried Gessler.
– Shoot, my father – said the boy – I'm not afraid.
With a sinking heart, William Tell raised his bow, aimed the arrow, drew the string, and, teeth clenched, aimed toward the target. Hummmm! The arrow whistled through the air, very quickly, and split the apple over the child's head in half.
A sigh of relief rose from the crowd, who watched this cruel spectacle in horror.
At that moment, Gessler saw the head of another arrow hidden under the archer's jerkin.
– Why the second arrow, if you had the right to a single throw? - roared the tyrant.
Guilherme Tell replied, loud and clear:
- The second arrow was to pierce your heart, Gessler, if I had hurt my son.
And, taking the boy by the hand, William Tell turned his back on the tyrant and left.
Years later, the archer was a valiant fighter for the independence of his land and for the freedom of his people.
1) What is the title of the text?
2) Where is the story set?
3) What are the characters in the story?
4) What was Regent Gessler's requirement?
5) Who disrespected and what happened to him?
6) What was the punishment given to Guilherme?
7) What was Guilherme's son's reaction to this situation?
8) What did Gessler discover after William's arrow?
At answers are in the link above the header.