Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the sixth year of elementary school, about the book the butterfly maker. According to the author of the text, There was a man who made butterflies. Real butterflies, not paper folds or ink drawings. Real butterflies? Like this? Are you curious to know more about this story? So, read the text and then answer the various interpretative questions proposed! Come on?
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There was a man who made butterflies. Real butterflies, not paper folds or ink drawings. They were those colorful butterflies that we see in the garden. And, mind you, he didn't, as many collect butterflies in an enclosed space. He really did. She was a magic that gave life to beautiful and colorful butterflies. Voice was the grandfather of the book's narrator
How did he make butterflies? It was simple: he took a very fat caterpillar (but without touching it, as many of them burn), put it in a box of matches, all pierced, together with four leaves for the caterpillar to eat. So, I closed and waited for the right time, without touching the box. Meanwhile, each one wondered what the next “creation” would be like: what color it would be, what size, the design of the wings. One day, the box was opened, and a newborn butterfly came out of it to color the world.
Isn't that beautiful? A man and a granddaughter who made butterflies? A sensitive book, poetically written by Laura, who won the Jabuti Prize in 2007, and with butterflies born from Janaina's watercolor. So that we can also learn how to create butterflies and color the world. Even if it is with paper and colored pencils.
Aryane Cararo. Available in: .
Question 1 - Who wrote the above text?
( ) Laura Bergallo.
( ) Janaina Tokitaka.
( ) Aryane Cararo.
Question 2 - In “There Was a Man Who Made Butterflies.”, which man does the author refer to?
Question 3 - The author of the text clarifies that the man:
( ) made real butterflies.
( ) drew butterflies with ink.
( ) made butterflies, folding papers.
Question 4 – In the segment "It was a magic that gave life to beautiful and colored butterflies.”, the underlined words were used to:
( ) define the butterflies.
( ) characterize the butterflies.
( ) complement the butterflies.
Question 5 - Underline the verbs in this passage of text:
“[…] I took a very fat caterpillar […] put it in a box of matches, all pierced, together with four leaves for the caterpillar to eat. So, he would close and wait for the right time […] ”
In the passage above, the verbs express:
( ) ephemeral actions of the Voice.
( ) probable actions of the Voice.
( ) continuous Voice actions.
Question 6 – "Isn't that beautiful?" For the author of the text, what is beautiful?
Question 7 – In the part “A sensitive book, poetically written by Laura, which won the Jabuti Prize in 2007, and with butterflies born from Janaina's watercolor.”, the author of the text:
( ) evaluates the book “The Maker of Butterflies”.
( ) summarizes the book “The Maker of Butterflies”.
( ) makes a comparison with the book “The Maker of Butterflies”.
Question 8 – In “So that we can also learn how to create butterflies and color the world. Even with paper and colored pencils.”, the author of the text presents:
( ) the purpose of the book “The Maker of Butterflies”.
( ) a hypothesis about the book “O Maker de Butterflies”.
( ) a conclusion about the book “The Maker of Butterflies”.
Question 9 – We can conclude that the text read is:
( ) A tale
( ) a notice
( ) a review
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.