Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth grade of elementary school, about hidden subject. Let's analyze this type of subject in the text How long does a dream last? To do so, answer the proposed questions!
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Before it was believed that dreams happened in fractions of seconds, but today we know that they happen in real time in our minds, at the same speed that we imagine we are experiencing these events. dreams. A dream usually lasts from 10 to 40 minutes and is always related to our fears, worries, desires or things that are about to happen. There are people who believe they don't dream, but they just don't remember what they dreamed about. To remember a dream, you have to wake up the moment it happens.
Available in:. (With adaptation).
Question 1 – Point out the passage where the subject of the underlined verb is hidden:
( ) “Before it was believed that dreams happened in fractions of seconds [...]”
( ) "[…] It is relates always with our fears […]”
( ) “There is people who believe not to dream […]”
Question 2 – Watch:
"[…] but today we know that they happen in real time in our mind […]”
The subject of the highlighted verb is hidden. Identify it:
Question 3 – The hidden subject was previously identified through:
( ) of the context.
( ) of the verb ending.
( ) context and verb ending.
Question 4 – Underline the following hidden subject verb:
“[…] but they just don’t remember what they dreamed about.”
Question 5 – The underlined verb above expresses:
( ) an action of the hidden subject.
( ) a state of the hidden subject.
( ) a characteristic of the hidden subject.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.