activity of text interpretation, aimed at fifth grade students, about national parks. Why are they so important? Let's learn? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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National parks are open spaces with potential for tourism, usually created in areas of outstanding natural beauty. This means that leisure and fun are part of your proposal, right? Yes, but the main purpose of spaces like these is environmental conservation.
Due to the growth of cities and the development of industries, for example, many areas are devastated. In other words: trees are cut down, animals die or are removed from their habitat, rivers and other watercourses are polluted… All this breaks the natural balance of the planet.
National parks emerge, then, with the purpose of protecting animals and plants, threatened with extinction or not, as well as the sources of rivers. This allows for what biologists and ecologists call “environmental functions”.
Such functions are, in reality, benefits that conservation spaces can provide to the region where it is located. Want some examples? So, note: the temperature control, which results from the abundant vegetation preserved; the supply of water, which may come from local springs; the research of plants for medicinal purposes; beyond the proximity of human beings to nature.
A lot of people who visit national parks only think about having fun, walking along the trails, bathing in waterfalls... They don't even know the great ecological importance that these spaces represent.
You, who now know a little bit about the value of these spaces, can make the most of your visit to a national park, especially when remembering that we humans are also part of nature and we need environmental balance to to live.
Paulo Sergio Maroti. Magazine “Science Today for Children”. Edition 227.
Question 1 – Identify, according to the text, the main purpose of national parks:
( ) the laser.
( ) the fun.
( ) environmental conservation.
Question 2 – In "Due to the growth of cities and the development of industries, for example, many areas are devastated.”, the highlighted segment presents examples of:
( ) causes of devastation of areas.
( ) conditions of devastation of areas.
( ) consequences of the devastation of areas.
Question 3 – The passage “[…] trees are cut down, animals die or are removed from their habitat, rivers and other waterways are polluted…” is:
( ) a narration.
( ) a description.
( ) an argument.
Question 4 – In the fragment "all this breaks the natural balance of the planet.”, the underlined excerpt:
( ) corrects information.
( ) retrieves information.
( ) complements information.
Question 5 – Read back:
“The national parks arise, then, with the purpose of protecting animals and plants, threatened with extinction or not, like this the sources of the rivers […]”
The underlined expression:
( ) indicates sum.
( ) introduces a conclusion.
( ) establishes a comparison.
Question 6 – In the part “[…] results from the abundant vegetation preserved […]”, the text refers:
( ) the supply of water.
( ) temperature control.
( ) the closeness of human beings to nature.
Question 7 – In the last paragraph of the text, the author intends to:
( ) entertain the reader.
( ) warn the reader.
( ) make the reader aware.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.