activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about the sai-andorinha. It lives in the tops of trees, on the edge of the forest and in the gallery forest.. Let's get to know this bird better? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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It lives in the tops of trees, on the edge of the forest and in the gallery forest.
In summer it can be more insectivorous, in winter more frugivorous. It feeds on little mistletoe berries, embaúba, palm nuts and insects.
It nests in holes in ravines, on the riverbanks, in buildings close to forests (under bridges, walls in ruins). It takes advantage of hollows where there were nests of other species. Their nest is a voluminous bowl. Lays 3 to 4 white eggs, hatched for 15 days.
Measures 14 cm. The male of this species is bright blue with a black mask. The female and juvenile male are greenish. Its head is flat, the bill wide at the base and with a slight hook at the tip.
He has big wings and is a good flyer. When flying after insects, it looks like a swallow.
It is an arboreal species, landing in an upright position. It is characteristic to get up late and sleep early.
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(With cut and adaptation).
Question 1 – Read back:
“It lives in the tops of trees, on the edge of the forest and in the gallery forest.”
In this passage, the text refers to:
Question 2 – In the sentence “It feeds on little berries of mistletoe, embaúba, coconuts of palm trees It is insects.”, the highlighted term indicates:
( ) sum.
( ) contrast.
( ) alternative.
Question 3 – The parentheses contain an explanation of:
( ) holes in ravines where the swallowtail nests.
( ) the riverside where the swallowtail nests.
( ) the constructions close to the woods where the swallowtail nests.
Question 4 – In “Lays 3 to 4 white eggs, hatched for 15 days.”, the underlined expression expresses:
( ) quite.
( ) mode.
( ) time.
Question 5 – In the part “[…] it is bright blue with a black mask.”, the text reveals the colors:
( ) of the female of the swallowtail species.
( ) of the male of the swallow-tailed species.
( ) of the juvenile male of the species sai-swallowtail.
Question 6 – Identify the fragment, in which the text establishes a comparison:
( ) “When it is flying after insects, it looks like a swallow.”
( ) “It is an arboreal species, landing in an upright position.”
( ) “The characteristic is to get up late and go to bed early.”
Question 7 – Watch:
“Its head is flat, the beak wide at the base and slightly hooked at the tip.”
This snippet is:
( ) a narration.
( ) a description.
( ) an argument.
Question 8 – In the segment "He it has large wings and is a good flyer.”, the underlined word was used for:
( ) resume.
( ) to present.
( ) additional.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.