activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about an animal rescue. Zorrilho and puppy are rescued in the bodywork of a plane that traveled from Rio Grande do Sul to Goiânia. Shall we inform ourselves about this fact? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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The aircraft took off from a rural area in the south of the country, according to Amma. The animals were healthy and were taken to Ibama.
A mother zorrilho and her calf were found in the bodywork of a small plane that traveled from Rio Grande do Sul to Goiânia, on Monday (11). The Municipal Environment Agency (Anma) carried out the rescue at the Airfield in the capital of Goiás. The animals traveled in free flight for about 2,000 km, which is the distance between Porto Alegre and Goiânia.
Amma's veterinarian and fauna management and protection manager, Isabela Saddi, who rescued the animals, told that the crew did not see them inside the aircraft during the flight, only when they landed in Goiânia and dismantled the plane.
“It was mother and child. The puppy was breastfeeding, including. Therefore, he was healthy. The mother was a little dehydrated but apparently fine,” explained Saddi.
The zorrilhos, as they are called, were taken to Ibama's Wild Animal Screening Center (Cetas), where they will be evaluated by specialists and correctly returned to nature.
Biologist Eddson Abrão said that these animals are typical of Rio Grande do Sul and Argentina. “They are omnivorous and feed on small insects, amphibians and scorpions. They are nocturnal, do not form flocks and are not at risk of extinction. The young are completely dependent on the mother”, explained the biologist.
Rafael Oliveira. Available in: https://g1.globo.com/go/goias/noticia/2022/04/12/gamba-e-filhote-sao-resgatados-na-lataria-de-aviao-que-viajou-a-goiania.ghtml. (With adaptation).
Question 1 – Identify the genre of the text above:
Question 2 – In the fragment “The animals traveled in free flight for about 2,000 km […]”, which animals does the text refer to?
Question 3 – According to the text, the rescue of the mother zorrilho and her calf took place:
( ) in Goiania.
( ) in Porto Alegre.
( ) between Porto Alegre and Goiânia.
Question 4 – In “It was mother and child. The puppy was breastfeeding, including. Therefore, he was healthy. The mother was a little dehydrated, but apparently fine,” the text reproduced:
( ) the speech of biologist Eddson Abrão.
( ) the speech of an Ibama specialist.
( ) the speech of Amma's veterinarian and fauna management and protection manager, Isabela Saddi.
Question 5 – Watch:
“The zorrilhos, as they are called, were taken to Ibama’s Wild Animal Screening Center (Cetas) […]”
This snippet is:
( ) a narration.
( ) a description.
( ) an argument.
Question 6 – In the segment “[…] where they will be evaluated by specialists and returned correctly to nature.”, the highlighted term indicates:
( ) place.
( ) mode.
( ) time.
Question 7 – In the passage “They have a nocturnal habit, do not form flocks and are not at risk of extinction.”, the text reveals facts about the zorrilhos that:
( ) add up.
( ) alternate.
( ) contrast.
Question 8 – According to the biologist interviewed, the baby zorrillas:
( ) depend little on the mother.
( ) totally dependent on the mother.
( ) partially depend on the mother.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Letters and specialist in distance education.