Activity of text interpretation, aimed at sixth year students, about the book The Little Master-Cuca. In it, author Katherine Ibbs teaches children delicious recipes step by step! The author of the text highlights that this book shows how fun cooking is and how fundamental it is to insert children into a healthy diet and body care. He was curious to know more about the work The Little Chef? So, read the text and then answer the various interpretative questions proposed! Come on?
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Katherine Ibbs
“O Pequeno Mestre-Cuca” is a cookery book for children aged 9 and up, with more than 50 practical and illustrated recipes, written step by step for the little ones to get their hands dirty. It shows how fun cooking is and how essential it is to get children into a healthy diet and body care.
Each dish indicated in the book has tips on how to adapt the recipes to make them the way the novice cook likes best. All of them have an indication of the degree of difficulty, and inform if it is necessary to be accompanied by an adult and if they require extra attention.
“O Pequeno Mestre Cuuca” teaches how to squeeze, marinate, boil and bake ingredients, being aware of a balance between proteins, carbohydrates, fibers, fats, vitamins and minerals. And it also ends up captivating adults about the role and importance of each of these major food groups.
The book brings recipes for breakfast, light meals, main meals, desserts and breads, cakes and pies, always favoring healthy eating.
At the end of the work there is also a glossary of the most used terms in the kitchen, special tips and a list of utensils that children will need to prepare delicious food for friends and family!
Available in: .
Question 1 - The text read is:
( ) a notice
( ) a review
( ) a cooking recipe
Question 2 - Point out the purpose of the text:
( ) publish a book.
( ) inform a fact.
( ) teach how to cook.
Question 3 - In the segment "delicious step-by-step recipes for children […]”, the highlighted term expresses:
( ) an opinion of the author of the text about the recipes in the book “O Pequeno Mestre-Cuca”.
( ) a hypothesis by the author of the text about the recipes in the book “O Pequeno Mestre-Cuca”.
( ) an explanation by the author of the text about the recipes in the book “O Pequeno Mestre-Cuca”.
Question 4 – In the part “It shows how fun it is to cook […]”, the word “how” indicates:
( ) mode
( ) example
( ) Comparation
Question 5 - In the passage “[…] to make them the way the novice cook likes the most.”, the word “las” resumes:
( ) "tips"
( ) "the recipes"
( ) "the meals"
Question 6 – In the segment "All have an indication of the degree of difficulty, and inform if it is necessary [...]", the term "and" expresses the idea of:
( ) addition
( ) goal
( ) conclusion
Question 7 – Note the underlined verbs in this text fragment:
"The Little Cuca Master" teaches how squeeze, marinate, boil, to bake Ingredients […]
The underlined verbs above express:
( ) actions of those who cook.
( ) qualities of those who cook.
( ) characteristics of those who cook.
Question 8 – In “[…] a list of utensils that children will need […]", the underlined expression could be replaced by:
( ) "need"
( ) "needed"
( ) "will need"
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.