Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the sixth year of elementary school, about ecology. How about learning more about this very important topic? so read the text What is Ecology? and then answer the various questions proposed! The activity allows you to improve your reading skills! Come on?
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Ecology is the study of the relationships of living beings (plants, animals, human beings) among themselves and with the environment. Unfortunately, this relationship is not always friendly. Over the years, man, a rational animal, has not shown sufficient intelligence and responsibility when it comes to preserving nature. Wanting to explore, progress and profit more and more, he ended up turning against the waters, forests, air and soil.
The serious truth is that this indiscriminate use of natural resources harms more and more people. It even became a threat to the quality and continuity of life on Earth. When there is a lack of water and electricity, extinction of animal and plant species, pest attacks on crops, droughts and floods in cities, for example, it is already nature reacting against the destructive actions of the men. And it's nothing interesting this arm wrestling...
The point is: while so many adults do not set a good example, children can surprise, proving that they already have an ecological concern and know how to take care of nature! After all, it is their future that is at stake. Do you agree? […]
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Question 1 - Identify the passage in the text that defines Ecology:
Question 2 - Underline the terms that indicate the actions of man against nature:
“Wanting to explore, progress and profit more and more, he ended up turning against the waters, forests, air and soil.”
Question 3 - The underlined terms above are:
a) adjectives
b) verbs
c) adverbs
d) nouns
Question 4 – In the excerpt “It even became a threat to the quality and continuity of life on Earth.”, what does the text refer to?
Question 5 - Reread this text fragment:
“When there is a lack of water and electricity, extinction of animal and plant species, pest attack on crops, droughts and floods in cities […]”
According to the text, the facts listed above are examples:
a) the purposes of man's destructive actions.
b) the causes of man's destructive actions.
c) the conditions of man's destructive actions.
d) the consequences of man's destructive actions.
Question 6 – In the sentence “And this arm-wrestling is not at all interesting…”, the author of the text:
a) cites an example.
b) presents a fact.
c) exposes an opinion.
d) makes a comparison.
Question 7 – In "The question is: While so many adults do not set a good example […]”, the underlined word expresses:
in time
b) place
c) mode
d) opposition
Question 8 – In the part “[…] proving that has ecological concern and know how to take care of nature!”, the highlighted verb refers to who?
Question 9 – Point out the passage where the author of the text talks directly to the reader:
a) "Unfortunately, this relationship is not always friendly."
b) “Over the years, man, a rational animal, has not shown intelligence […]”
c) “[…] while so many adults do not set a good example […]”
d) "Do you agree?"
By Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.