Portuguese activity, aimed at 8th grade students, aims to study the accentuation (proparoxytone, paroxytone and oxytone words), through the text Why can't dogs eat chocolate?
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Because chocolate, especially dark chocolate, contains theobromine, a substance that does great damage to the nervous system of geeks. Present in cocoa, theobromine can cause allergic crises, increased blood pressure, tachycardia, arrhythmia, tremors and seizures. Depending on the animal's size, the amount of chocolate it ingests, and its sensitivity to food, it can even go into a coma and die. What's more: the consumption of chocolate, as well as other foods with high sugar content, predisposes dogs to cavities and other dental problems. To avoid this robbery, a national company even developed a snack that has flavor, it smells and looks like chocolate, but it's not chocolate and can be eaten at its best. friend.
Yuri Vasconcelos. Available in: .
Question 1 - The text read has purposes:
a) journalistic
b) technicians
c) scientific
d) didactic
Question 2 - According to the cultured norm, paroxytone words, ending in a diphthong, are accented. Identify the words that follow this rule in the text:
Question 3 - Check the sentence in which the highlighted word is proparoxytone:
a) "Because chocolate, especially dark, contains theobromine […]"
b) “[…] a substance which does great damage to the nervous system […]"
c) “[…] theobromine can cause crises allergic […]”
d) “[…] to develop a snack that has flavor, smell and appearance of chocolate […]"
Question 4 - “[…] as well as other foods with high sugar content […]”. Why is the word “sugar” accented?
Question 5 - The word "totos" is:
a) monosyllable
b) oxytone
c) paroxytone
d) proparoxytone
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.
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