Portuguese activity, recommended to students in the ninth year of elementary school, about the adverbial time adjunct. Let's understand this content better? Then answer the questions based on the text. Carnival in Brazil!
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Several books on the history of carnival tell that the festival of revelry arrived in Brazil around 1720. Other authors say that it was probably in the 17th century.
In an article by researcher Claudia M. by Assis Rocha Lima, published by the Joaquim Nabuco Foundation, carnival was introduced in Brazil by the Portuguese, in 1723, with the name of entrudo, a party with crazy rushes, flour mela and water with lemon.
Only then came the confetti and streamers. However, as this festival began many centuries ago and is surrounded by legends and stories, it is always difficult to be sure about dates. But about the games, there is no doubt, because even today there are confetti, streamers and the biggest mela on the streets, especially in the cities of the Northeast.
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Question 1 - Underline the adverbial tense in this excerpt:
“[…] carnival was introduced in Brazil by the Portuguese in 1723 […]”
Question 2 - In the excerpt above, the adverbial tense adjunct was expressed by:
( ) an adverb.
( ) an adverbial phrase.
( ) an adverbial expression.
Question 3 - In the segment “Already other authors say it was probably in the 17th century.”, the term “Already” plays the role of an adverbial adjunct of tense. That statement is:
( ) false.
( ) true.
Question 4 – The adverbial tense adjunct “Only after” modifies the meaning of a verb of:
( ) hidden subject.
( ) simple subject.
( ) compound subject.
Question 5 - In “[…] how this festival arose many centuries ago […]”, the adverbial time adjunct composes a prayer that expresses:
( ) a cause.
( ) An example.
( ) a comparison.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.