Humans are the beings with the greatest potential for intelligence that we are aware of today, that's a fact. We can go through countless situations in our daily lives and yet many people are able to remember every detail, from what they ate for breakfast to the time they went to sleep. In this sense, a question can be raised: is there a brain memory limit?
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memory limit
After hundreds and hundreds of images downloaded by WhatsApp to your cell phone's memory, you must have already received that full storage system warning.
Know that just like all cell phone storage, notebook or any device that retains data, our brain works in a similar way.
The brain is like a big biological memory that, like any other, stores and processes all the data it receives; but do we also have a limit?
Scientists point out that, like many storage devices, our brains likely have limited capacity to function, but immeasurable enough not to be a concern.
vocabulary expansion
Thanks to the complex potential that this gray matter of ours has, we are able to obtain knowledge and reason what we learn like no other known species in the world.
Every day we consume information from different means and possible situations, such as an expression used by a friend in a conversation or a term mentioned in a newspaper article.
It is possible, from this principle, to have a certain notion of the size of the skill we have for learning different contents.
The importance of reading comes from this fact, as the more we are exposed to different sources of information, the more knowledge is added to our personal library.
This is what we call “repertoire”, a very common term in the study of writing, used to name the references you bring to your text.
Expanding our repertoire gives us the power to master everyday scenarios, offering more arguments in a discussion or making it easier to build an academic text, for example.