A new tool in a few hours won the heart of the most beloved social network in the world. It is from Twitter that the most current controversies come out; that's where we know the good and bad side of chaos. It is possible to see people reporting details of their personal life, or talking about a famous person they are a fan of, or even leaving their opinion on a subject. Recently, a tool stood out, as it shows your most commented words on the twitter. Keep reading and learn how to discover yours.
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As anything is possible on Twitter, a tool capable of analyzing your profile and pointing out the 10 most cited words was created. The platform belongs to the portal toasted and you just need to put your twitter username for it to do the full analysis.
In addition to entering the trending topics on Twitter, the application attracted the attention of a huge audience, including the majority belonging to generation Z and
In order for the platform to do the concise analysis of the facts, you need to have your Twitter profile open, so that anyone can easily view it.
It's really hard not to surrender to the tool, since the term “The 10” has become viral among everyone. And it is already possible to see several shares of the 10 most used words in each account. You've probably even seen some friends posting theirs around, so why not check out yours?
There are so many different, funny, unbelievable and even unthinkable words that it becomes even more complicated to resist knowing what our profile would reveal to us. Maybe you'll also end up surrendering to the tool out there, after all, it doesn't cost anything to try!
Visit the Toasteed website and check out what else you've been commenting on the net!
Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.