Portuguese activity, aimed at first year high school students, addresses the bitransitive verbs. These are those verbs that require two complements: one with a preposition, the other without a preposition. Are we going to study them? To do this, answer the various questions that explore the bitransitive verbs in the text about the documentary Blind Aderaldo – The Cantador and the Myth!
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Documentary reveals struggles, victories and the artist's dimensions
Born Aderaldo Ferreira de Araújo, in June 1878, the sudden poet Cego Aderaldo was not only the greatest name in sung and improvised poetry in Brazil, but a myth. His work influenced popular music and Brazilian arts in the 50s and 60s.
Blind Aderaldo discovered the rhymes in Quixadá, in the interior of Ceará, shortly after losing his sight in an accident. When his mother died, Aderaldo decided to travel through the northeastern hinterland and spread his poetry. In 1914, he competed in a rhyming duel with Zé Pretinho, a well-known suddentist from Piauí. The famous victory would earn him prestige for the rest of his life.
Despite never having been married, Cego Aderaldo adopted and raised 26 children. He gave them all education and profession. Innovative and creative, he was a cinema exhibitor in the 1930s and took his singing to the great capitals, where he was hailed as a character at the level of Padre Cícero and Lampião.
Script and direction: Rosemberg Cariry. Year: 2011. Country Brazil. Available in: .
Question 1 - Identify the sentence in which the verb is bitransitive:
() “His work influenced Brazilian popular music and arts in the 50s and 60s.”
( ) “Blind Aderaldo discovered rhymes in Quixadá, in the backlands of Ceará […]”
( ) “He gave them all education and profession.”
Question 2 - In the sentence identified above, the verb is bitransitive because:
( ) requires complement with preposition.
( ) requires complement without preposition.
( ) requires two complements: one with a preposition, one without a preposition.
Question 3 - In the second paragraph of the text, the bitransitive verb “disputed” has as subject:
( ) Aderaldo's mother.
( ) Aderaldo.
( ) Zé Pretinho.
Question 4 – The bitransitive verb "disputed" expresses:
( ) an action of the subject mentioned in the previous question.
( ) a state of the subject pointed out in the previous question.
( ) a characteristic of the subject mentioned in the previous question.
Question 5 - Look closely at this fragment. Next, underline the bitransitive verb that composes it:
"The famous victory would earn him prestige for the rest of his life."
Question 6 – It can be said that, in the previous question, the underlined bitransitive verb was used in the voice:
( ) active
( ) passive
( ) reflective
Question 7 – Analyze the bitransitive verb in this text fragment:
“[…] took the singing to the big capitals […]”
Now find:
a) the direct object of the verb "took":
b) the indirect object of the verb "took":
Question 8 – The bitransitive verb "led" indicates:
( ) a hypothetical fact in the life of Cego Aderaldo.
( ) a completed fact in the life of Cego Aderaldo.
( ) a sporadic fact in the life of Cego Aderaldo.
Question 9 – The bitransitive verbs, studied throughout the previous questions, are present in a text that aims to:
( ) debate the documentary “Cego Aderaldo – O Cantador eo Mito”.
( ) publicize the documentary “Cego Aderaldo – O Cantador eo Mito”.
( ) report a fact about the documentary “Cego Aderaldo – O Cantador eo Mito”.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.