If you were expecting a Saturday with milder temperatures and a cool breeze, we are sorry to disappoint you. A cold front coming from the South will change the entire weather forecast for this weekend.
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This Saturday and Sunday, the 17th and 18th, the weather will be very cold and rainy in much of the country. The rainy and gray weather should also accompany Brazilians in the first days of next week.
The situation is unusual. This is because, in the last week, some regions of southern Brazil registered 40ºC on their thermometers. In Criciúma (SC), the temperature reached 39.04ºC, and in Joinville, in the north of Santa Catarina, the thermal sensation was between 48ºC and 49ºC.
Now the situation will change. Residents of regions of these states should prepare for this drastic drop in thermometers. And fast, because the cold front has already started to show up this Friday, the 16th.
The states of the Southeast Region – mainly São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro – also need to prepare. The weather forecast indicates that we will have the return of the heavy rains from Saturday.
The north of the Midwest Region can also expect heavy rain showers this weekend. The forecast alerts, mainly, the Federal District and Mato Grosso to prepare for possible storms.
The interior of the Northeast Region is expected to experience rain at some point, but will only experience a drop in temperature. However, the coast will strong sun, with a maximum temperature of 33ºC.
Parts of Roraima, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul will also experience hot weather this weekend, according to the latest weather forecast for the next few days.
Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.