Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth year of elementary school, addresses the adverbs of time. These are those words that indicate the circumstances of the time in which the facts took place! Let's analyze them in the text National Day of the Arts? So, answer the questions below!
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Yesterday, I spoke a little about the art of painting and, as today is the National Day of the Arts, I will be able to talk a little more about other types of art. Art is everywhere, no matter where you are, just look around to realize it's not just in museums. Do not believe? So look away! See the buildings, monuments, gardens and walls of your city, see how many beautiful things people have done. But you don't even have to leave home to see that art is part of your life, because I bet there is a a picture, a book, a vase, a piece of furniture in your house that was made or designed by an artist, it's not same? That's where we see that any creation needs the inspiration, sensitivity and way of seeing the world of an artist. That's why I think art is so cool, because I know it can be in the places where we least expect it.
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Question 1 - Identify the phrase that contains an adverb of tense:
( ) “[…] as today is the National Day of the Arts […]”
( ) “[…] no matter where you are […]”
( ) “That's why I think the art is so cool […]”
Question 2 - The adverb of time, which introduces the text above, modifies the meaning of:
( ) an adjective
( ) an adverb
( ) a verb
Question 3 - In the prayer “[…] see how many beautiful things people have already done.”, the tense adverb “already” points to a fact:
( ) predictable
( ) concluded
( ) uninterrupted
Question 4 - In “He ever contemplates the arts!”, the underlined adverb could be replaced by:
( ) commonly
( ) daily
( ) at the same time
Question 5 - In the context above, the tense adverb “always” modifies the meaning of a verb:
( ) binding
( ) intransitive
( ) transitive
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.