Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth or ninth year of elementary school, containing exercises on vocative.
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1.Underline the vocatives in the sentences below when available.
The. Mother come here!
B. Pedro said he would stay home for the weekend.
ç. Man, João, I didn't see that detail in the game.
d. That pen is flexible, boys.
and. Carla, bring my hat?
f. Dear voters, my management will be based on trust.
g. Maria talked to Raquel at the dance yesterday.
H. Camila was very sad, Carol.
i. Raquel is sitting on the sidewalk in Rua Brilhante, Pedro.
j. Marlene, did you bring bread?
k. I went, Carlos, to São Paulo, but I didn't visit Maria.
l. I need more attention, José.
m. Will you go to the party today, Catarina?
n. Jeferson, are we going to the dance on Saturday?
O. Milena, I need to talk to you.
P. Suzy is a smart girl.
q. Anelize, you are very angry today.
a. Rosiane went to the ball dressed as a queen.
s. Julia, run here!
t. Are we going away at the end of the year, Isabela?
u. Daniel fell into the lions' den.
v. Patricia, run here. Come see the puppies.
w. Marcio is a teacher.
x. Rafaela, go get coffee.
y. I need you to be here on Monday, Marcos.
z. Good afternoon class!
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva
At answers are in the link above the header.