A pandemic it was extremely harmful to several essential aspects of maintaining citizenship, so that sectors such as health and employment were drastically affected. However, another area that was extremely affected was the education.
In fact, narrowing this scenario even further, a study showed that 1 in 10 students who carry some type of disabilities were not contemplated with classes in the EaD format due to the lack of accessibility resources for this public. In addition, it is estimated that 59% of this group had no contact with any special specialized care (AEE), a special education service regulated by law.
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The data presented here are all available at search entitled “Inequalities in access to education during the pandemic”, launched in June by Plano CDE, Fundação Lemann, Itáu Social and Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento. Apparently, in addition to the lack of accessibility, there are still trends that are widely configured among students who have disabilities, since this group has the highest dropout rate school.
Based on the data provided, it is believed that the main causes of this truancy are linked to issues related to health (64%) and the lack of support professionals needed to attend this audience, as well as other equally worrying aspects, which can be seen in the full search.
Still according to the study, 48% of those responsible for the students declared to experience great difficulties in maintaining a study routine. In addition, 32% see great difficulties in relating to teachers and classmates, and 28% believe that there is the possibility of dropping out of school because they are unable to follow the activities or do not feel welcomed.
Thus, such research intensifies the notion, already known, about the need to discuss the subject, as well as, together with the government and responsible institutions, think and offer solutions to the problems and difficulties faced daily by this group.
Geographer and pseudo writer (or otherwise), I'm 23 years old, from Rio Grande do Sul, lover of the seventh art and everything that involves communication.