Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, aims to study the participle. Do you know when a verb is in participle form? Let's learn? The proposed questions are based on the text National passion. How about knowing the origin of football?
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Football is without a doubt the most popular sport on the planet. There is no other sport that is so publicized and that is practiced in the same way around the world. Football is played in every country on the five continents of the globe.
In Brazil, official records show that football began to be played in 1894, in the state of São Paulo, ______________ by Charles Miller, who, upon returning from England, where he had gone to study, brought his first balls, uniforms and football boots. In a few years, the passion for the ball was born among the Brazilian people and the spread of football took place widely.
Initially, this sport was only practiced by people from wealthier classes, but the rapid popularization of football in various regions of the country made this sport started to be practiced by the poorest layers of the population. Thus, football began to be played openly and spontaneously in all locations in Brazil.
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Question 1 - Register the presence of a participle in the sentence:
( ) “[…] where I went to study, I brought my first balls, uniforms and soccer shoes.”
( ) “[…] the Brazilian people, the passion for the ball and the spread of football occurred in a way […]”
( ) “[…] soccer started to be played openly and spontaneously in all […]”
Question 2 - Point out the subject of the participle present in the sentence marked above:
Question 3 - Carefully reread the second period. Then identify the participles that form verbal phrases in this part of the text:
Question 4 - Check the participle that correctly completes the gap in the text:
( ) "bring"
( ) "brought"
( ) "brought" or "brought"
Question 5 - Rewrite the following sentence, using the participle of the verb “invent”:
The English invented football.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.