A HBO announced that its HBO Max platform will have a value adjustment in Brazil starting in March. Now, the value is R$ 34.90 per month in the multiscreen plan. The message was given to subscribers through an email from the company, which surprised many users, caught by surprise. In addition, users who purchased the subscription during the launch are still entitled to the 50% discount. Know more.
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On February 28, HBO announced an increase in the value of its HBO Max platform. Users received notice by email, informing them of the new price of R$34.90 for the multi-screen plan. The company also pointed out that users who received the launch discount continued with the benefit, but that it would be applied on top of the new value. Therefore, for those who have the discount, the new value becomes R$ 17.45. The new monthly fees will be charged in March.
Highest value of plans
This increase represents an increase in relation to the current value of the monthly plan, which is R$ 27.90. The other plans, such as the annual and quarterly plans, did not receive an increase announcement and remain at R$239.90 and R$74.90, respectively. It is also the platform's first value increase since its launch in May 2021.
Increase had already been announced
Although some customers were taken by surprise, HBO had already announced an increase in plans in the United States. However, it had not issued a note on increases in other regions, although it was expected.
Experts believe that this increase follows the trend of other streaming platforms, such as Netflix and Disney+, which have been raising their prices in recent months.
HBO explains value adjustment
In a note sent to the Tecmundo portal, HBO commented on the increases: “As of March 30, the HBO Max monthly subscription fee will increase in Brazil for both new and existing subscribers current. This adjustment will allow us to invest even more in a variety of high quality content and new productions for our audience.”