Portuguese activity, aimed at 8th grade students, aims to study different pronoun types, through the text health always up to date.
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Everyone needs to have a document they received when they were born: the vaccination card. In it, all the vaccines that we have already taken and those that we still need to take are marked.
It is necessary to keep this card up to date, as vaccines are important to prevent dangerous diseases caused by viruses or bacteria.
Paralysis, measles, chickenpox, flu, mumps and rubella are examples of viral illnesses. Among the bacterial ones, some of the most serious are tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria, tuberculosis and meningitis. Taking one of them can mean spending days in bed, with symptoms that are very annoying and, in some cases, even quite dangerous. In order not to take risks, you need to take care of yourself and get the vaccines.
“Recreio” magazine. n. 217.
Question 1 - The purpose of the text read is:
a) criticize
b) entertain
c) disclose
d) guide
Question 2 - In the passage “Everyone needs to have a document they received when they were born […]”, the presence of the pronouns is recorded:
a) personal and demonstrative.
b) indefinite and relative.
c) interrogative and indefinite.
d) possessive and relative.
Question 3 - Identify the pronouns that make up the sentence in the previous question:
Question 4 - In the excerpt “Get a from them it can mean spending days in bed […]”, the highlighted pronoun replaces, considering the context:
Question 5 - Check the segment in which the term underlined works as a demonstrative pronoun:
The) "in her, all vaccines are marked […]"
B) "[…] what we still have to take it.”
c) "It is necessary to maintain That card always up to date […]"
d) “In order not to take risks, it is necessary if take care and take the vaccines.”
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.