Text interpretation activity, aimed at students in the third year of elementary school, with questions developed about the text: Enluarado.
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This animal, grandfather of the wild wolf, no longer exists on earth, but can still be found on the moon, where it ended up by chance. A legend says that the Moonlit was sad on moonlit nights. He was a fierce enemy of the lion and one day he dreamed that his strength came from the moon, which was a mistake, as the lion's strength comes from the sun. Then he gathered a lot of animals, all dissatisfied with the king of animals. They climbed one on top of the other, raising a bridge to the moon, where they intended to neutralize the king's strength. The lion, seeing a chance to get rid of the enemy, shook the bridge and the animals fell to the ground. But Moonlit, which went ahead, was forever trapped in the lunar ground.
John A. Hangman. Zoomagnes. Belo Horizonte. Editorial Format, 1997.
1) What is the title of the text?
2) Does this beast, grandfather of the wild wolf, still exist on earth?
3) A legend says that the moonlit person was sad on moonlit nights and who was a bitter enemy?
4) Moonlit then gathered a lot of animals. What was the feeling of these animals?
5) What did Moonlight and the other animals do?
6) What did they intend to do?
7) What did the lion do to get rid of his enemy?
8) What happened to Moonlight?
Per Hélia Higa.
At answers are in the header link.