Many people who have suffered financial loss due to the pandemic have had help from the government, Emergency Aid, for a long time. However, now they are not sure how to react after their withdrawal. However, a group of specific people will be entitled to retroactivity of this benefit. Check it out!
Read more: Learn how to withdraw the Auxílio Brasil without the need for a physical card
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Since many economic activities have suffered severely from the pandemic crisis of the new coronavirus, the aid emergency was a benefit that emerged to guarantee a minimum income for the most vulnerable Brazilians during this crisis.
The aid ended in October 2021, but new groups will be entitled to payments from this social assistance. For the year 2022, there was confirmation of retroactive transfers of Emergency Aid for single parents (single-parent families).
However, the retroactive transfer of Emergency Aid will continue to be funded by the government. To do so, check if you are entitled to the benefit by accessing the Dataprev website.
Step by step:
This way, the information will be loaded and you will know if you have benefited from this new batch of emergency aid retrospectives.
The payment of this retroactive aid is in accordance with Law No. 14,171 of June 10, 2021. This law guarantees double the amount of emergency aid for families that are single parents, whether male or female the person heading the family.
In addition, on the website, the person also has the ability to follow the entire process of the request, as well as results and important dates. It is even possible to see if your request was not accepted (if this happens without just cause, look for a lawyer).
However, today it is possible to count on another government aid, Auxilio Brasil, where families can apply. This benefit was made with the aim of supplying the Bolsa Família program.
The registration for requesting this benefit must be done in the Single Registry (CadÚnico) and in person at the city halls of city, usually through the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) or the CadÚnico service centers themselves. guide.