Portuguese activity, aimed at 6th grade students, suggests the study of interjection, through a text that promotes the book Tapajos, written by Fernando Vilela.
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Read this text that tells us about the book “Tapajós”, written by Fernando Vilela:
Cauã and Inaê are brothers and live by the river. To go to school, they need to take a boat, face alligators and balance on the boat. Ufa! It shouldn't be soft, no. On the banks of the Tapajós River, many people, like them, live close to the water.
When the rainy season arrives, Cauã and Inaê's family have to leave the house, which is completely flooded. They take a very large boat with the move, head into the middle of the forest and, there, improvise a house. Everyone needs to help, it's a lot of work!
In the midst of all this turmoil, Inaê realized that she forgot something that didn't come with the change. “It was Titi,” she recalled. It was her pet tortoise. What a pity! Inaê was inconsolable. The girl was so sad that her brother decided to find a solution to the problem: “let's go get Titi!”, he said. Will it work? Embark with them on this adventure.
Available in: http://chc.org.br/aventura-no-rio/.
Accessed on: 12/07/16.
Question 1 - Opinion record can be found at:
a) "Cauã and Inaê are brothers and live by the river."
b) "It shouldn't be soft, no."
c) “They take a very big boat with the change […]”
d) “The girl was so sad that her brother decided to find a solution to the problem […]”.
Question 2 - “To go to school, they need to take a boat, face alligators and balance on the boat. Ufa! It shouldn't be soft.”. In this context, the interjection "Whew!" expresses:
the joy
b) desire
c) amazement
d) relief
Question 3 - Identify an interjective phrase in the text and the idea it expresses:
Question 4 – “boarding with them in this adventure.”. The highlighted verb works as:
a) an order
b) an invitation
c) a request
d) a warning
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.