Indeed, parents have a lot of responsibility during the process of raising their children. Although some people might disagree, it has been proven that events that occurred in childhood leave marks that, if left untreated, will follow us throughout our lives.
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Dealing, once again, with parents, the love they offer is extremely important for the child's growth. Even his absence can have significant consequences when he becomes an adult.
Here are some signs that you didn't get enough love as a child:
1. Submit to toxic relationships
In general, when there is an absence of love in a child's life, he tends, as an adult, to act in two ways: feel blockages or show difficulties in expressing affection, thus, ending up looking for love at all costs in any person.
The big question is that this desperate search for affection makes the person submit to toxic relationships and accept the least that the other has to offer.
2. Has difficulty trusting others
After analyzing everything that was said above, it is common to conclude that these people end up having a lot of difficulties to trust and open up to others.
This occurs because they fear, all the time, the past and that they will be abandoned or simply that nothing will genuinely happen.
3. Can't set boundaries
Since these people are incessantly seeking attention and affection, the problem begins to arise. This is because such individuals come to believe that they can accept any kind of attitude in exchange for love.
This type of situation can happen in love, friendship or family relationships. Therefore, it is important to know how to set limits and share the afflictions that bother you.