Interpretation of the poem “Memories of the ancient world”, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade. The activities are aimed at students in the 9th grade. It is noteworthy that the answers, contained in the download file, are suggestions, since the literary text allows multiple interpretations, which vary according to the reader's gaze. However, “do not travel in mayonnaise”, as the readings need to be proven through elements of the text, presented explicitly or implicitly.
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Read, very carefully, the poem below:
Carlos Drummond de Andrade
Clara walked in the garden with the children. The sky was green over the lawn, the water was golden under the bridges, other elements were blue and pink and orange. The civil guard smiled, bicycles passed by,… The girl was stepping on the grass to catch a bird… The whole world, Germany, China, everything was peaceful around Clara. The children looked at the sky! It wasn't prohibited. The mouth, the nose, the eyes were open! There were no dangers. The dangers that Clara feared were the flu, heat, insects… Clara was afraid of missing the 11 o'clock tram, she expected letters that were slow to arrive. She couldn't always wear a new dress. But I walked in the garden in the morning!!! There were gardens, there were mornings, at that time!!!
(ANDRADE, Carlos Drummond de. Souvenirs from the ancient world. In: ___ feeling of the world, 1940.)
1) According to the poem, what was the world in which Clara lived?
2) What can we interpret from the passage “But she walked in the garden in the morning”?
3) From the description, in the poem, of a world that remained only in memory, how can we characterize the “new” world marked by different transformations?
4) Note these verbs taken from the poem:
walked was smiled walked looked were feared had cost there was |
In what tense were they employed? For what purpose?
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.