Activity of text interpretation, aimed at sixth year students, about the discovery of a new dwarf planet in the Solar System. According to the news, this new planet, called “Goblin”, is only 300 kilometers in diameter! Curious to find out more about “Goblin”? So, be sure to carefully read the text, full of curiosities, and answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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A team of American scientists discovered a dwarf planet located in one of the most distant points in the Solar System.
Called “Goblin” (“Goblin” in English), it is only 300 kilometers in diameter. Pluto, one of the smallest planets in our system, is 2,300 kilometers in diameter, that is, it is seven times larger than the Goblin.
The new planet is in a place considered very far away: it is 2,300 times farther from the Sun compared to Earth.
The discovery was made on October 13, 2015 by a telescope placed over a volcano in Hawaii, Mauna Kea, but the announcement did not go public until last October 1st.
The mission objective was actually a search for "Planet X" (X is the number "10" in Roman, being a reference to the star's position in our Solar System), a hypothetical planet that could be larger than Jupiter and that scientists believe exists in the confines of the System. Solar. In its place, Goblin was found.
The discovery of the small planet, in turn, may reveal clues to the existence of another giant, known as "Planet Nine", which would have ten times the mass of Earth.
This is because Goblin is shown to be under the gravitational influence of some very large unidentified object. This influence is what keeps the planet at a certain point in space – without it it would go flying around.
The Goblin would take about 40,000 years to circle the Sun. Researchers believe that the “slowness” can be justified by its proximity to this other planet, which is much larger.
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Question 1 - The text read is:
a) news about a scientific discovery.
b) an advertisement for a scientific discovery.
c) an interview about a scientific discovery.
d) an opinion piece about a scientific discovery.
Question 2 - Identify the purpose of who wrote the text:
a) issue an alert.
b) give information.
c) narrate a story.
d) make a recommendation.
Question 3 – In the passage “Called “Goblin” (“Goblin”, in English), it is only 300 kilometers in diameter.”, the author of the text:
a) evaluates the “Globin”.
b) defines the “Globin”.
c) announces the “Globin”.
d) characterizes the “Globin”.
Question 4 - In “[…] it is 2,300 kilometers in diameter […]”, which planet does the text refer to?
a) to the planet “Goblin”.
b) to the planet Pluto.
c) to the planet Jupiter.
d) to “Planet Nine”.
Question 5 - In the part “[…] in a place considered very distant […]”, the term “very”:
a) explains the meaning of “distant”.
b) describes the meaning of “distant”.
c) intensifies the sense of “distant”.
d) complements the sense of “distant”.
Question 6 – In the excerpt “The discovery was made on October 13, 2015 … but the announcement was only made public on the 1st of October.”, the highlighted word could be replaced by:
a) because
b) how
c) however
d) for that
Question 7 – The text ends with:
a) a challenge made by the researchers.
b) a hypothesis raised by the researchers.
c) a condition presented by the researchers.
d) a conclusion reached by the researchers.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.