Text interpretation activity for students in the fifth year of elementary school. Students will read “A Cigarra ea Ant” and answer questions regarding the text! Let's see if they realize that the ant did better than the cicada in this text? Good job, teacher! 🙂 🙂 🙂
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On a summer's day, the Cigarra sang happily. Meanwhile, an Ant passed by. She was tired, painfully carrying a grain of corn that she dragged to the anthill.
─ Why don't you stay here talking to me for a while, instead of getting so tired? asked the Cicada.
"I need to collect food for the winter," Ant replied. ─ I advise you to do the same. ─ Why should I worry about winter? There is no lack of food… ─ replied the Cicada, looking around. Formiga didn't answer, continued her work and left.
When winter came, Cicada had nothing to eat. However, he saw that the Ants had a lot of food because they had saved it for the summer. They distributed it daily among themselves and were not hungry like her. Cicada understood that she had done wrong...
Moral of the story: Don't just think about having fun. Study to have a better life in the future.
(adapted from http://fabulasinfantis.blogs.sapo.pt/)
1) What are the animals in this story?
2) Who sang happily?
3) Who was tired around the Cicada?
4) What did the ant carry into the anthill?
5) Who worked for food during the winter?
6) Who had nothing to eat when winter came?
7) Did the Cicada or the Ant get it right at the end of the story? Because?
By André Tarragô Martins – Middle and Middle School Teacher of Portuguese Language and Master in Letters in the area of Language, Interaction and Learning Processes. In addition, he is a musician and journalist. He works in pre-university entrance exams, pre-contests, private lessons, preparation of competition tests and is content creator for the Portal www.acessaber.com.br.
At answers are in the link above the header.