History activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, with questions developed about the Republic of the Sword (1889-1894).
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The military movement led by Marshal Deodoro da Fonseca, in 1889, proclaimed the Republic in Brazil, implementing a model of government that declared itself democratic. Décio Saes, when studying this movement later, affirms that the nascent democracy was defined from the outset as an elitist and limited democracy, which corresponded to a refinement of the class domination of landowners at the level of political institutions, configuring a new model of exclusion politics.
SAES, Decius. Middle class and political system in Brazil. São Paulo: T. THE. Queiroz, 1984.
1) The role played by the Army in the proclamation of the Republic ensured the military leadership of the new government. This phase of the Brazilian Republic, led by presidents in uniform, is known as the República da Espada. An important event was the elaboration of the first republican Constitution by:
a) A ministry
b) Constituent Assembly
c) A president
d) Oligarchies
2) The Judiciary Branch, under the new Constitution, would be composed of 15 judges appointed by the president and would have the attributions to arbitrate throughout the national territory, replacing the following:
a) Federalism
b) Executive Power
c) Legislative Power
d) Moderating Power
3) The first president of Brazil, Marshal Deodoro da Fonseca, was elected by the Legislative Power. Deodoro's short government was marked by clashes between the president's centralizing policy and:
a) Congress federalism
b) Church norms
c) The clauses of the Constitution
d) The autonomy of citizens
4) With the resignation of Deodoro, in November 1891, the vice-president, Marshal Floriano Peixoto, took over. Floriano governed supported by an alliance with the São Paulo Republican Party, controlled:
a) By Congress
b) By the Judiciary
c) By the great owners
d) São Paulo coffee growers
5) Federalism is a form of government in which the states that make up a country have relative autonomy to make certain decisions, without the need for approval:
a) From the Congress
b) From the central government
c) The Constitution
d) Of the Chamber
Per Camila Farias.
At answers are in the link above the header.