Portuguese activity, aimed at 9th grade students, aiming at the study of Nominal Agreement, through the news “Climate change is already affecting work performance – and it's going to get worse”.
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Read the opening snippet of the story entitled “Climate change is already affecting work performance – and it's going to get worse”.
To the long list of factors that harm The working capacity of one person, who goes from health problems to a simple despondency, add one more: climate change. A study recently released at the headquarters of the International Labor Organization (ILO) in Geneva indicates that economies
The prediction is that climate change could further damage the worker's ability to perform your functions in the coming decades. And the lower the work capacity, the lower the productivity, in qualitative and quantitative terms. […] .
Available in: http://super.abril.com.br/. Accessed on May 9, 2016.
Question 1 - Identify the nouns with which the terms underlined in the above article agree:
Question 2 - What can be concluded about the agreement identified above?
Question 3 - Associate the underlined terms with the class they belong to in the news context:
____ indefinite article
____ adjective
____ possessive pronoun
____ definite article
Question 4 – Note: “[…] add more a […]”. Next, identify the class in which the underlined term is inserted, as well as its referent:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.
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