Portuguese activity, text production, film review, aimed at 3rd year high school students. Guidelines are presented, step by step, for the adequate production of this genre. Teacher, work on the interpretation of the movie review "A life lesson", posted here on Portal Access”, so that its students can know the specific characteristics of the text in question, whose concept commonly raises doubts.
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Choose a movie you liked. Your task is to produce a review of it, in order to convince your classmates to meet it. To do this, follow these steps:
1º: Watch the film, writing down the most important parts, from beginning to end, on a scratch sheet, that is, summarizing the work. Do not reveal details and, above all, the ending. The first time the characters are mentioned, put the names of the respective actors in parentheses, something that can work as an argument.
2º: Try to identify the positive aspects present in the film, that is, give your opinion in an argued way about it. Reflect on the possible contributions provided by the film, remembering that it is necessary to arouse the interest of your colleagues.
3º: If you identify negative aspects, try to present them in a polite way, pointing out suggestions for improving the plot.
4º: If you think it's necessary, research the team that produced the feature, comparing it with other films already directed by them or with films that deal with the same theme. What makes the film you reviewed special?
5º: Build the text, which must have a minimum of 15 lines and a maximum of 30 lines, with the following structure:
6º: Create an interesting title for your review.
7º: Give the text to your teacher or your teacher, who will review it.
8º: If there are, make the corrections, clearing the text.
9º: Present the produced review to your classmates.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.