Text interpretation activity, aimed at students in the fourth or fifth year of elementary school, using the text “The animals and the pest”.
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The situation was hopeless. A plague arose that was killing all the animals in the forest. The animals decided to hold an assembly to find a solution.
The first to speak was the lion who said:
– The gods are disgusted with us. One of us will have to be sacrificed to appease the wrath of the gods - said the lion - May it be me, I'm the strongest and I've already made more than a thousand victims in these parts.
The audience protested:
– None of this, your majesty cannot die for us.
– Then I die, said the tiger, who have also killed more animals than the stars in the sky.
– No – the audience protested – such a brave tiger cannot die for us.
The bear also offered:
– I'm the oldest and I won't be missed by anyone.
– Never! A bear your age cannot die for us.
Until a donkey in the corner of the room asked to speak:
– Maybe I'm the one who should die for you, I once ate the cabbage from the priest's backyard.
And the audience roared with one voice:
- Yes and you!
And the donkey died for all to calm the gods' tempers and bring tranquility back to the forest dwellers.
Moral of the story: To the powerful everything is forgiven, to the miserable nothing is forgiven.
1) What is the title of the text?
2) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
3) What are the characters in the story?
4) What is the problem with the forest?
5) What was Lion's suggestion to solve the problem?
6) What was the first animal to offer and why? What happened?
7) What was the second animal to offer and why? What happened?
8) What was the third animal to offer and why? What happened?
9) What was the last animal to offer and why? What happened?
10) Explain, in your words, the moral of the story. Give an example of how this moral of the story might apply today.
At answers are in the link above the header.