Have you also run out of money at the end of the month and wondered where yours had gone? wage? The truth is that there are expenses that are not necessary or even useful in our daily lives, but they are still incurred. If you want to change this reality, find out which purchases are a waste of money to start avoiding them.
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Any good advertisement will try to tell you that you need to buy this or that, but this statement is not always true. After all, some items we acquire are unnecessary. I mean, we could do just fine without them. Some may even get in the way more than help. Here are some examples to get smart:
Courses to 'earn money'
In recent years, what we haven't missed are the courses that guarantee that they will teach you how to earn a lot of money and how to organize yourself financially. Some of them can be very good, but others are just repetitions of basic advice that won't bring you any return. Since it is to buy a course, let it be for useful learning that adds a lot to your career.
Many stationery items
Do you really use all the different colored stickers, diaries, notebooks, pens and highlighters in your house? In fact, most people notice that they haven't used these things at the end of the year, but they still repeat the same mistakes a short time later. That said, it's best to pack the basics as they will be enough.
Clothes storage bags
There are those who believe that organizing clothes in the closet inside bags is a good idea, but this is a terrible one. solution, after all, by keeping your clothes in plastic bags you are preventing the fabric from breathe. This will not do your parts any good. Avoid the expense and store them in the traditional way.
Products with only one use
The market has adapted to offer people products that are multipurpose, excellent for concentrating many things in just one place and available at an affordable price. These products are excellent for the economy, as long as they work well in all proposed uses.
The same cannot be said about products that still offer only one use.
race by application
It seems that after app-based services, we have forgotten how to use public transport, as well as how to walk to nearby places. If we return to these habits, at least for a few times, we will find that we end up to save money enough money at the end of the month.