Portuguese activity, aimed at 9th grade students, proposes the study of passive voice, through the news Belo Horizonte City Hall institutes the Municipal Animal Defense Day.
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The Municipality of Belo Horizonte instituted December 10th as the Municipal Animal Defense Day. The information was published in the edition of the Official Gazette of the Municipality (DOM) this Tuesday (30).
The decision in favor of Bill 1863/2016 was commemorated by councilor Sérgio Fernando Pinho Tavares (PV), author of the document. “The 10th was chosen because it is precisely on this date that the International Animal Rights Day (Dida) is celebrated. The purpose of this law is to make the population, especially the younger generation, aware of the importance of taking good care of all animals. We want to expand the fight for their defense”, explained the politician.
Still according to Tavares, there is still no definition of how the schedule will be to celebrate the date. “We still don't have any special project for the day, but when the date approaches, we'll think about the schedule”, concluded the councilor.
Available in: http://www.otempo.com.br/. Accessed on: 08/31/16.
Question 1 - The purpose of the text is:
to inform
b) criticize
c) entertain
d) debate
Question 2 - Mark the passage where the use of passive voice is registered:
a) "The Municipality of Belo Horizonte instituted the 10th of December […]"
b) "The information was published in the edition of the Official Gazette of the Municipality [...]"
c) "The purpose of this law is to raise awareness among the population [...]"
d) "We still don't have any special project for the day [...]"
Question 3 - In “The 10th was chosen why it is precisely on this date that the International Day of Animal Rights (Dida) is commemorated.” The highlighted term indicates one:
a) comparison
b) opposition
c) conclusion
d) explanation
Question 4 - Justify the use of quotation marks in the text:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.