Portuguese activity, focused on students in the seventh year of elementary school, guides the study of verb modes (indicative, subjunctive and imperative).Do you know how to tell them apart? Do you know the ideas they express? Let's understand? The various questions are based on the text. Secret friend, written by Regina Chamlian.
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The class gathered in the decorated room.
Martinha was carrying a huge package, full of ties, Suzana and Antônio were talking animatedly. Mariana asked Juju to start the game. Each had to explain first why they had chosen the gift for their secret friend.
When Juju finished speaking, a sneaker, which looked more like a special ship, ended up in Felipe's hands. This told why he bought the imported CD for Luís. Which she explained why she chose the surfer shorts for Bruno.
– Bruno, the gang shouted. – now it's you!
Bruno began to speak:
Well, folks, here's the thing: in the first week of December, late at night, at home, we heard a horror movie scream.
Everyone jumped out of bed: "What's wrong?"
My mother pointed, sobbing: “To Ge-la-dei-ra! She broke!” […] “We need to buy a new one immediately”.
“And the secret friend's gift,” my sister recalled quickly.
“Create a creative gift that costs nothing,” said my father.
“That's when I got the idea,” Bruno continued, opening his backpack and taking out a small package.
- I hope my secret friend likes it. He is Rafa.
– Hey, Rafa! Go there! - Shouted the class.
Rafa started to open the package. The silence was complete.
– I can't believe you saved this photo, man! How old were we?
– Show! Show!
And the wrapped photo of Bruno and Rafa, when they were six, passed from hand to hand. The biggest success.
– Wow, Bruno. There was only one thing missing,” said Ralph.
- What?
– A hug, man. I like you! Happy New Year!
CHAMLIAN, Regina. The secret friend. In: New school. Once Upon a time. 23 poem, songs, short stories… april, 2007. P. 36.
Question 1 - In the passage “I hope my secret friend likes it.”, the subjunctive mode expresses:
a) a wish of Felipe.
b) a wish by Luís.
c) a wish from Bruno.
d) a wish from Rafa.
Question 2 - Mark the sentence in which the use of the verb with imperative function is registered:
a) “– Bruno, the gang screamed. – now it's you!”
b) “– Show! Show!"
c) “– Wow, Bruno.”
d) “– A hug, man. I like you! Happy New Year!”
Question 3 - The imperative verb, identified in the previous question, was written in language:
a) informal
b) technique
c) regional
d) formal
Question 4 - The verb with imperative function, present in the sentence marked above, indicates:
a) a supplication
b) an advice
c) an order
d) a request
Question 5 - The excerpt “Bolem a creative gift that costs nothing” was built with the verbs inflected in the modes:
a) affirmative and subjunctive imperative.
b) indicative and negative imperative.
c) subjunctive and indicative.
d) affirmative imperative and negative imperative.
Question 6 – In all alternatives, the highlighted verb plays the role of a verb in the indicative mode, except in:
a) “Martinha carried a huge package, full of ties […]"
b) “When Juju finished to speak […]”
c) “– Hey, Ralph! Go there!"
d) "- No I believe that you kept this photo, man!"
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.