A basic basket it consists of essential items such as food and personal hygiene products. The purpose of the basic food basket is to serve as a reference for assessing the purchasing power of the population, providing a measure of the minimum cost to meet basic consumption needs. In January 2023, there was an increase in the value of the basket in most capitals. Learn more about it throughout the article.
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In January of this year, the cost of the basic food basket rose in 11 of the 17 capitals analyzed by the National Research of the Basic Food Basket. The survey is released monthly by the Inter-union Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies (Dieese).
According to the survey, released last Tuesday, the 7th, the highest increases were observed in northeastern capitals, especially Recife (7.61%), João Pessoa (6.80%), Aracaju (6.57%) and Natal (6,47%).
The city of São Paulo continues to appear in surveys as the capital where the basic food basket has the highest value. In the capital of São Paulo, the average cost of the basic basket in January was R$ 790.57. Next are the cities of Rio de Janeiro (R$770.19), Florianópolis (R$760.65) and Porto Alegre (R$757.33). The cheapest basket was in Aracaju, where the average cost corresponded to R$ 555.28 in January.
Taking into account that the minimum wage should be sufficient to cover expenses with food, housing, health, education, clothing, hygiene, transportation, leisure and social security, Dieese carried out an estimate of the ideal value for the salary Minimum. According to them, the minimum wage should be R$ 6,641.58 in January, which corresponds to five times more than the current value, which is R$ 1,302.
Buying food in large quantities when they are on sale, avoiding eating out frequently and preparing meals at home are measures that can contribute to the economy. In addition, other tips are to consider extra jobs or freelance activities to increase income.
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