Activity of text interpretation about earthquakes. In it, the author answers the question Are there earthquakes on other planets? What do you think? Yes, no or maybe? Are you curious to know the answer? So, be sure to read the explanatory text and then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. It is smaller and denser than Earth, but the two have something in common: they are part of the rocky planets group. We recently discovered that perhaps they have more in common.
Images taken by the Messenger spacecraft, which was sent by NASA to study the planet Mercury, revealed small "flaws" on its surface. These faults look like some common structures on Earth, such as cliffs.
Interestingly, they are very small and therefore must be geologically young. This means that, like Earth, Mercury has tectonic activity. The novelty here is that a planet as small as Mercury still has geological activity today.
Until then, our planet was the only one with this characteristic. The movement of tectonic plates on Earth produces some of the most extreme geological events. Our continents, for example, move continuously and slowly because of the movement of plates in the Earth's crust. To give you an idea, the fastest plate on our planet moves about 15 centimeters per year, while the slowest one, 2.5 centimeters per year. These movements can generate violent earthquakes that can reshape vast regions, for example, making an island appear or disappear.
Mercury is likely to have earthquakes just like we have on our planet. This phenomenon may be confirmed in the future with seismographs that may be installed on the planet.
Paulo Pereira. Available in: .
Question 1 - Identify the author's purpose:
a) convince
b) explain
c) alert
d) contest
Question 2 - A fact motivated the writing of the text above. Point it out:
Question 3 - According to the author of the text, the planet Mercury has a characteristic in common with the planet Earth. Point it out:
a) size
b) proximity to the sun
c) density
d) rock formation
Question 4 – In the excerpt “The interesting thing is that they are very small […]”, the personal pronoun “they” refers to:
a) the images obtained by the Messenger probe.
b) “flaws” on the surface of the planet Mercury.
c) some common structures on Earth.
d) tectonic plates on Earth.
Question 5 - The author of the text converses directly with the reader in the passage:
a) “The movement of tectonic plates on Earth produces some of the most extreme events […]”
b) “For you to have an idea, the fastest board on our planet […]”
c) "These movements can generate violent earthquakes [...]"
d) "This phenomenon may be confirmed in the future with seismographs [...]"
Question 6 – “Until then, our planet was the only one with this characteristic.”. What feature does the text refer to?
Question 7 – In the segment “Our continents, for example, move to be continued and slowly because of the movement of plates […]", the highlighted terms indicate:
a) the place where our continents move.
b) the way our continents move.
c) the time with which our continents move.
d) the intensity with which our continents are moving.
Question 8 – At the end of the text, the author concludes that:
a) it is possible the occurrence of earthquakes on the planet Mercury.
b) the occurrence of earthquakes on the planet Mercury is certain.
c) the occurrence of earthquakes on the planet Mercury is predictable.
d) it is impossible for earthquakes to occur on the planet Mercury.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.