The beginning of a relationship is always more complicated, because you still don't know everything about your partner or who he really is. Since habits from life to strange research in Internet, everything can look suspicious when you haven't been together for a long time. A woman caught her boyfriend researching “hidden cameras” in online stores and was left with “a flea behind her ear”. What was she supposed to do?
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The woman in the case shared her story on a website called Reddit, where users often ask for advice about conflicts in their lives. She claims, in the text, that the two have been dating for a few months and that he has always been kind and attentive to her. As such, she had never noticed anything “wrong” with him.
In addition, the young woman wrote that it all started when, in the middle of a conversation about things they wanted to buy together, he opened his cell phone on the AliExpress application. When he clicked on the search bar, she noticed that in his history there were things like: 'hidden spy camera', 'secret camera' and 'Wi-Fi camera'”.
Surprised though she was, she decided to check one more time, snatching his hidden phone number and checking it against her search history. According to her, at least at first, he pretended not to know what she was talking about. Then he lied saying that it “came as a suggestion because you typed the first few letters”.
After she insisted and claimed that he was lying, the boy made up a story about hotels that put hidden cameras, so that's where the research came from. Although she didn't believe his explanation, the boyfriend said he was "embarrassed" by the situation created, which made her doubt herself.
Most of the comments claim that the woman is not wrong and ask her to be aware of him. "His behavior is very suspicious" say users of the site. Some still say that the fact that he changes his story when he is caught is extremely suspicious. “See how his story changes (twice!!!) when you don't believe the first one? Why lie in the beginning if you have nothing to hide?
Lastly, the woman states that she will remain alert and vigilant regarding her partner.