the negligencein trafficenlargethe risks accidents and also he cangenerate penaltiessevere foryoudrivers.When break the law and are caught, hes win pointsinyourPortfolio National Driver's License (driver's license).The sum of these violations he can to taketo deprivationof the right in to drive an automobile.For what This onekind of problem don't happen, know for how long those points are on your driver's license
Inagreementwithto thelawsin TrafficBrazilian, youdriversthey aresusceptibleThecommitfourcategoriesininfractions while drive: light, moderate, serious and very serious.Inturninifworryonly with the dots from the wallet, éfundamentalwhat these driverssassume The importance inyour own security It is alsoothers first.
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The categorization
The most worrying category for drivers is due to infractions that are considered extremely serious, as they result in a loss of points greater than the others on the CNH.
After 12 months, points accumulatedinyour portfoliothey arereset.Therefore, noémorea problem To the drivers offenders. A good example of this is that qanydriverwhathe wasfined in october last year he canto perceiveOdisappearancefrom theinfringementatyour wallet by the end of this month. However, it is worth noting that the points only disappear from the wallet, but remain registered in the driver's name.
the regulationscurrentallowwhatyoudriverskeep up to 40 points inyourdriver's licenseduring 12 months. When this value of points is above the allowed, the driver suffers the suspension of his license to drive.
However, thedrivers what committedinfractions very serious and already accumulated 30 points, can have the qualification suspended.
To the infractions veryseriousinclude: drive with The qualification revoked or suspendedIt is driving with an expired license for more than 30 days, but there are many others infractions that can to involve many scratchs for the Traffic.
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