History activity, proposed to fifth or sixth year students, this activity deals with migration and immigration in Brazil.
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(…) The car is already running
on top of the mountain
listening to the land
Your crib, yours there.
that northerner
leaving feather
From afar beckons:
Goodbye, Ceará!
The next day,
Already all bored,
And the packed car,
Fast and fast,
so sad, poor thing,
speaking homesick
your crying son
Excrama to say:
– Of pity and soriety,
Daddy I know I die!
my poor dog
Who feeds?
I've already asked:
– Mommy, and my cat?
Hungry, without treatment,
Mimi will die!
And the pretty little
Trembling with fear:
– Mommy, my toys!
My soo foot!
My rose bush,
Poor thing, it dries up!
and my doll
It was also there (...)
Patativa do Assaré. Song quoted in Hélder Pinheiro. Cordel in the classroom. São Paulo: Two Cities, 2001.
migration and immigration
emigrant – is the person who leaves his country.
Immigrant – is the person who leaves their country to live in another.
Migrant – is one that changes place, state or region of the same country.
From the 19th century onwards, Japanese, German and Italian immigrants began to come to Brazil. They came to Brazil with the hope of a better future, but most of the time they ended up in need.
Many of them came here with education and with ideas that led them some time later to achieve wealth and possessions. They enriched our culture and helped build our country.
People move for different reasons. Most of them aim to get rid of poverty.
Some move to work or study.
Sometimes companies and entrepreneurs go in search of large lands with better conditions for development and cheaper labor.
1) What is the title of the poem?
2) Mark misspelled words in the poem. In your opinion, why is the poem written like this?
3) What is the theme of the poem?
4) Who is the author of the poem?
5) Are the people portrayed in the poem happy? Justify your answer.
6) John decided to leave his country. He is one?
7) Pedro left Italy and came to live in Brazil. He is one?
8) Maria left Pernambuco to live in São Paulo. She's a?
9) Name some reasons that lead people to migrate from one place to another.
10) In which century did immigrants come to Brazil?
At answers are in the link above the header.