The periodic updating of the Single Registry (Cadúnico) is a requirement for the Brazilian individual who receives social benefits from the government. Those who do not review their data within the appropriate period run the risk of having their payments frozen and even suspended. So check this article who needs to update Cadúnico in August.
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Keeping the Cadúnico updated is one of the requirements for citizens to benefit from the government's social programs. In this sense, there is a group that had to complete the cadastral verification by August 12 to avoid suspension or interruption of payments. It is made up of families that had discrepancies that were discovered after comparing their data with other databases.
The deadline was set to expire on June 10, but the Ministry of Citizenship decided to extend it after seeing the huge queues that formed in cities during the period. Cadúnico is the gateway to initiatives such as Auxílio Brasil and the Social Electricity Tariff (TSEE).
Therefore, the deadline for citizens in general to carry out the cadastral review was also extended, and is now October 14th. In this case, the obligation is required in cases of those who have not been updated for more than two years.
How to update CadÚnico?
Due to the pandemic, many citizens were unable to perform the procedure. These individuals were again summoned by mass Citizenship this year.
The person responsible for the family must visit a CRAS or one of the CadÚnico service centers in their community to update the data. A professional will assist and conduct a new interview to confirm the information.
Therefore, if changes such as: address, employment, death or birth of a family member must be informed in the data review.